Photoshooting the SS21 collections of Luxottica
Video case studies for Michelin
2021-08-11We are working on an international ambassador program

On behalf of our client, the Luxottica Group, we are working on the international ambassador program of the eyewear brand, Vogue Eyewear. Our agency is responsible for managing the “Vogue Squad” campaigns in seven countries, while we are also personally managing the Hungarian, Slovak and Polish campaigns throughout the year.
The brand’s Hungarian ambassadors are Ludman Fruzsina (@ludmanfruzsina), Rohonczi Anita (@festyinstyle) and Sági Evelin (@avianarahl). The ambassador program for them began with a campaign launch event, where they could learn about the new collection of Vogue Eyewear as well as the values and the main message of Vogue Squad.
The ambassador program is based on the #MBBDiaries capsule collection, the second collaboration of Millie Bobby Brown and Vogue Eyewear. It features eight modern eclectic models inspired by the actress’ favorite cities.
The brand’s previous ambassadors included Gigi Hadid and Eva Mendes, and since 2020, the Stranger Things star, Millie Bobby Brown is the face of Vogue Eyewear.
International campaigns are not new to our 11-year-old PR agency: we kicked off the year with a Polish gamer campaign for the sport eyewear brand, Oakley.
Photos from the campaign launch event:
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